Thursday, October 6, 2011

Why Pre-K?? What was I thinking?

I cannot count the number of people that think that I am crazy when I tell them that I am a Pre K teacher. The looks I get when I say that I love what I do are priceless. Why did I choose teaching? Why did I choose Pre-K?

 First, I must say that teaching is the profession that I feel that God has called me to and I want to fulfill His will for my life. Second, I LOVE TEACHING. I get absoulte fulfillment out of teaching. I love when children have an eagerness to see how things work, have questions and are curious. When I can answer those questions it lets me know that I am doing my part.

Yes, I do think to myself sometimes how crazy I am for teaching Pre K but I love it! I love playing with the kids not just standing up in front of the room lecturing. I can interact and get down on their level and have fun with them all while learning new things.

It is so incredibly important to put yourself into what you are doing and enjoy what you are doing. If you loathe going to your job then it is not for you. I have never woke up loathing the day that was ahead of me since teaching Pre K. Today was a perfect example of having fun with the kids.  I taught the kids how to scramble eggs and showed them right in front of their eyes how to do it. They thought it was the coolest thing! How can an egg in a shell turn in to fluffy eggs they ask? They are so inquisitive! :)

 Of course, there are plenty of days that are today..but in the end it is all worth it! When the kids are running crazy, no one has their "listening ears" on, they forgot where their spots are on the carpet, the one kid is playing in the sand in the sensory table and throwing it everywhere, the other kid is going to the bathroom 500 times, runny noses and untied shoe laces are on what seems like every child, you can't find what you need and are having to do two people's jobs because your co-teacher is out and you are having to teach the sub what to do, you have a "perfect" lesson to teach on the chicken and how we get our eggs but you haven't been able to get the supplies for it yet and you are teaching it in 30 minutes, another child accidently trips you and you fall on your bottom and the students look at you like you are weird, do I need to go on...... Yes, absolutely there are ROUGH days but there is always tomorrow!

Why did I start this post? Because I want to be an encouragement to those who are teaching and let them know that there are those who have good days and bad days and still make it!

Best Wishes In Teaching!

Til' Next Time......

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